Wealth Tips

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Prayer Never Fails!

1. On arising from bed in the mornings:
Karaagre Vasathe Lakshmee: Kara Madhye Saraswathi |
Karamoole Thu Govindha: Prabhaathe Karadarsanam ||
On tip of the palm resides  Godess Lakshmi; In the centre resides Godess Saraswathi;
At the bottom of the palm Lord Mahavishnu resides. It is therefore desirable to look at one's palm.

2. Before taking bath:
Gange Cha Yamunevaicha Godhaavari Saraswathi |
Narmadhe Sindhu kaveri Jalesmin Sannidhim Kuru ||
May the sacred waters of                                                                                                              rivers Ganga, Yamuna, Godhavari, Saraswathi, Narmadha, Sindhu and kaveri flow and mix in my bath water to purify my body and soul!
3. After bath- Surya Nmaskar:
Rasmimantham Samudhyanthsm Devasura namaskrutham |
Poojayaswa Viwaswantham Bhaskaram Bhuvaneswaram ||
The source of all Rays who descended from the oceans and who is worshipped by all angels and demons is the owner of this universe. Worship the source of all sunshine! 
4. Prayer for Lighting the lamp or Dheepa:
Dheepam Karothu Kalyanam Aarogyam Dhanasampatha: |
Sathru Buddhi Vinaayaasa Dheepa Jyothi: Namosthuthe ||
Light destroys darkness. Let the light give wealth, health and auspicious events. Prayer to the light!
5. Gurusthuthi( Prayer to the Guru)
Gururbramha Gururvishnu Gururdevo Maheswara: |
Guru: Saakshaath Param Brahma Thasmai Gurave Nama: ||
Guru is Brahma for all creativity. Guru is the protector Vishnu and destroyer Maheswara. Pray to the all encompassing Guru!
Gurave Sarva Lokaanaam Bhishaje Bhavaroginaam |
Nidhaye Sarva Vidhyaanaam Sri Dhakshinamoorthaye Nama: ||
Bow to the Guru to the universe who is redeemer of the soul and who is supreme source of all fine arts and knowledge!
6. Guru Namashkar:
Poojyaya Raghavendraya Sathya Dharma Rathaayacha |
Bhajatham Kalpavrukshaaya Namathaam Kaamadhenave ||
Bow to the worshipful Guru who takes you through the path of Dharma and trut. Namashkar to Guru Raghavendra who gives you temporal blessings like the celestial Kamadhenu!
7. Before partaking food:
Aham vaiswanaro Bhoothvaa Praneenaam Dehamaasritha: |
Praanaapaan Samayuktha: Pachamyannam Chathurvidham ||
Sri Krishna Said: I sustain all living with nourishment and oxygen to soul and body.
Harirdhatha Harirbhoktha         harirannam Prajapathi: \
Harirvipra: Sareerasthu Bhunkthe Bhojayathe Hari: ||
Lord Hari gives evrything food.He is food , He is personification of all Vedas. Body just intakes food and help grow, but Lord Hari ordainsyou to eat!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Durga SapthaSlokee- Easy Method!

In a clean wooden plank draw  Rangoli . Place a lighted cluster lamp. Make awahanam or invoking the Devi. perform the pooja as given below:
"Matharme- madhukaitabhagni- Mahishapraanaa- Paharodhyame
Helaa=Nirmitha-Dhoomralochana-vandhe Hei-Chanda- mundaardhini!
Sumbhadhwamsini-Samharaasu dhuritham Durge-Namasthambike||
Dhyayaami-Awaahayaami-Aasanam Samarpayaami-Arghyam samarpayaami-Aachamaneeyam samrpayaami-Gandham Samarpayaami-Pushpai Poojayaami!
Vaagheesvaryai  Nama:
Visaalaakshai Nama:
Sumangalyai  Nama:
Kaalyai  Nama:
Maheswaryai  Nama:
Chandai  Nama:
Bhairavyai  Nama:
Bhuvaneswaryai  Nama:
Nithyaayai  Nama:
Saanandhavibhavaayai  Nama:
Sathyagnaayai  Nama:
Dhamopahaayai  Nama:
Maheswara Priyankaryai  Nama:
MahaatripuraSundharyai  Nama:
Durgaa paramesvaryai  Nama:
DurgaaLakshmi-Saraswathyai Nama:
DurgaaLakshmi-Saraswathyai Nama:
Dheepam Dharsayaami!
DurgaaLakshmi-Saraswathyai Nama:
Naivedhyam Nivedhyaami!
DurgaaLakshmi-Saraswathyai Nama:
Thambhoolam Samarpayaami!
DurgaaLakshmi-Saraswathyai Nama:
Karpoora Neerajanam Samarpayaami!
Chanting the following sloka/hymn perambulate the lighted lamp 21 times and prostrate:
"Vandhithakriyudhe Devi Sarva Sowbhagyadhaayini!
Roopam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yaso Dehi Dhwisho Jasi!"
Aavaahanam Na Jaanaami Na Jaanami Visarjanam|
Poojavidhim Na Jaanaami Kshmaswa Parameswari|
Anyathaa Charanam Naasthi Thwamevacha Charanan Mama|
Thasmaath Kaarunya-Bhaavena Raksha Raksha Maheswari!

The benefits that acrue on account of this Pooja:

Day of the week
Sweetened rice
Cure of ailments
Honey, sugar, fruit
Wealth and promotion
Curd rice, fruit, honey
Relief from cosmic effects
Milk paayasam
Beget issues
Curd Rice
Increase intellect/exam success
Coconut, fruit
Marriage alliance
Sesame rice
Relief from difficulties and  stress


Thursday, November 15, 2012


A fold of cloth seems to look like Lord Vinayaka / Vinayak / Vinayagar / Ganapathy /  Pillaiyar. The form is perfect.

Look around your home... may be the lord is waiting to be found!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Sri Lakshmi Kubera Yantra - For Weath and Prosperity

For ever lasting prosperity and material wealth - worship Sri Lakshmi Kubera Yantram. Sri Lakshmi Kuber Pooja needs to be performed particularly on Diwali and generally friday evenings.

Om Shreem Hreem Aim Kubera Lakshmiyai
Kamala Dhaarinyai Dhana Aakarshinyai Swaha||

The verses on top and bottom of yantra are from Sri Suktham.
top: Hiranya Varnaam Harinim Suvarna Rajathasrajaam
Chandraam Hiranmayim Lakshmeem Jaathavedo ma Avaha

bottom: Padmaanane Padmaaroo Padmaakshi Padmasambhave
Tvam Maam Padmaakshi Yena Sowkyam Labhaam Yaham||

Rajaadhi Raajaaya Prassya Saahine Namo Vyam VaiSravanaaya Kur mahe
Sa Me kamaan kama Kaamaaya Mahyam
Kaameshwaro Vai Sravanothadathu
Kuberaaya Vai Sravanaaya Maha Raajaaya Namaha|| 

This yantra can be purchased from Giri Trading Agency

Kubera Money Mantra Audio

Lord Kubera :
When Kubera went to Kailasam once to have a darshan of Lord Shiva, he found Him with Goddess Parvathi. Kubera was stunned to see the splendour and beauty of Goddess Parvathi. He felt sorry that he had not worshipped such a fine goddess for so long and one of his eyes shut itself.

Goddess Parvathi got angry that Kubera was winking at Her, and looking at Her with evil intention. She made his eye burst. Kubera lost sight in one eye and was also cursed that he would always look ugly. Lord Kubera pleaded with Lord Siva to forgive him and explained that he had not seen the Goddess with any evil intention. Lord Siva left the choice to His consort. Goddess Parvathi forgave Kubera and let the eye grow back, but it was smaller than the other one.

So one eye of Kubera is smaller than the other. Kubera was rewarded by Lord Siva with the post of being one of the guards of the eight directions - the North. The Goddess made him the lord of wealth and material.

As the God of wealth and material, his responsibilities are to distribute them while creating wealth is with Goddess Lakshmi. Kubera is mostly painted with his family and seen showering gold coins and navaratnas.

Performing pooja to Lord Kubera is believed to enrich one's life. To have a wealthy and comfortable life, one has to perform Sri Lakshmi Kubera Pooja.

Lord Balaji or Venkateswara at Thirupathi is said to have Borrowed money form Kubera for his marrige and he is still paying the interest on the loan amount. Hence it would seem that lord Venkateswara will be in protection during the ashadmasa.

Sri Dakshinamoorthy Yantra - For power of knowledge

Benefits : Worshipping this yantra confers Knowledge, Memory power and Intellegence. This is particularly useful for students.

The slokas in the yantra to be recited 108 times daily are

Om Namo Bhagavathe Dakshinaamoorthaye|
Mahyam Medhaam Pragnyaam Prayachas Swaha||

Gurave Sarva LokaaNaam Bishaje BavaRogiNaam|
Nidhaye Sarva Vidhyaanaam Dakshinaa Moorthaye Namaha||

Vrushabath Vajaaya VidhMahe Kruni Hastaaya DheeMahee-
Thanno Guru: Prachodayaath||

ApraMeyathva ya theedha Nirmala Nyaana Moorthaye|
Manogi raam Vidhooraaya Dakshinaa Moorthaye Namaha||

This yantra can be purchased from Giri Trading Agency

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Durga Mantras

     Durga Mantras

For Protection and Removal of diseases and suffering

Durga means "the inaccessible" or "the invincible". She is a fierce form of the Hindu Goddess or Devi. She is considered to be the combined forms of Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Saraswati and  Goddess Kali. She is depicted with multiple (variously, up to eighteen) arms, carrying various weapons and riding a ferocious lion or tiger. She is often pictured as battling or slaying demons, particularly Mahishasura, the buffalo demon.
Durga is sometimes equated with Mahadevi, the Supreme Goddess. Her triumph as Mahishasura Mardini, Slayer of the buffalo Demon is a central episode of the scripture Devi Mahatmya.She is considered infinitely fierce to her enemies and infinitely loving to her devotees. Unconditional prayer to Goddess Durga can relieve one from all sufferings. She is a compassionate Goddess who relieves all the sufferings and troubles of her devotees, no matter how deep their miseries are. What is required is humility and acknowledgement of one's ignorance and incompetence, and honest invocation of the Mother's Grace. Repetitions of these mantras with sincere faith will confer full protection from the Goddess.

1. Mantra for general protection
Om Dum Durgayei Namaha
"Salutations to She who is beautiful to the seeker of truth and terrible in appearance
 to those who would injure devotees of truth"
2. Heavy Duty Protection  -
  used in particularly dreadful circumstances,for those lacking in self-confidence ,insecurities or
  feelings of lack of self-worth,can also bestow creativity and abundance.
Om Eim Hlim Klim Chamundayei Vicche Namaha
"Om and salutations to She who is radiant with power and wisdom"
3. Durga Gayatri mantra for manifold blessings
Om katya yanaicha vidmahe Kanya Kumari cha
Dhimahe Tanno Durgai Prachodayat

Sarva mangalamangalye
sive sarvārthā sādhike
sharanye tryambake gouri
Nārāyani namostute
I bow to Thee Gouri Narayani,
Who art the cause of the welfare of the world.
Who art good, who grants every wish, in whom one takes refuge,
Who art three-eyed.
Chapter 1,  Verses 72-87
Brahmā uvaca:
Brahma said:
tvam svāhā tvam svadhā tvam hi
vasat-kārah svara-ātmikā
sudhā tvam akasare nitye
trithāmātra-ātmikā sthitā
You are svaha and svadha. 
You are verily the vasat-karah (vedic sacrifice) and embodiment of svara
You are the nectar of immortality, oh eternal and imperishable One
You are the embodiment of the threefold matra, the Om sound.
ardha-mātrā sthitā nityā
tvam eva sā tvam sāvitri
tvam devi-janani parā.
You are half a matra, though eternal
You are verily that which cannot be uttered specifically.
You are the Savitra hymn and
The supreme Mother of the devas
tvayāetad dhāryate viswam
tvayāetat srjyate jagat,
tvayāetat pālyate devi
tvam atsy ante ca sarvadā.
By you this universe is born,
By you this universe is created,
By you it is protected oh Devi
And you always consume it at the end
visrstau srsti-rūpā tvam
sthiti-rūpā ca pālane,
tathā samhrti-rūpāante
jagato ‘sya jagan-maye.
Oh you who are of the form of the whole world, at the time of creation
You are the form of the creative force, at the time of the sustentation
You are the form of the protective power, and at the time of dissolution of the world, You are the form of the destructive power.
mahā-vidyā mahā-māyā
mahā-medhā mahā-smrtih,
mahā-mohā ca bhavati
mahā-devi mahā-asuri.
You are the supreme knowledge as well as the great nescience,
The great intellect and contemplation,
As also the great delusion,
The great goddess as also the great demon
prakritis tvam ca sarvasya
kāla-rātrir mahā rātrir
mohā-rātris ca dārunā.
You are the primordial cause of everything
Bringing into force the three qualities (sattva, rajas and tamas)
You are the dark might of periodic dissolution
You are the great night of final dissolution and the terrible night of delusion
tvam sris tvam isvaris tvam hris
tvam buddhir bodha-laksanā,
lajjā pustis tathā tustih
tvam sāntih khsāntir eva ca.
You are the goddess of good fortune, the ruler,
Modesty, intelligence characterized by knowledge,
Bashfulness, nourishment, contentment,
Tranquility and forbearance
Khadgini sūlini ghorā
gadini cakrini tathā,
sankhini cāpini bāna
bhusundi parighaāyudhā.
Armed with sword, spear, club
Discus, conch, bow, arrows,
Slings and mace
You are terrible
saumyā saumya tarāasesa,
saumyebhyas tv ati-sundari,
paraaparānām paramā
tvam eva parama-ishvari.
And at the same time pleasing,
You are more pleasing than all the pleasing things and exceedingly beautiful
You are indeed the Supreme Ishvari, beyond high and low.
yac ca kin-cit kva-cid vastu
sad a-sad vāakhila-ātmike,
tasya sarvasya yā saktih
sā tvam kim stūyase mayā.
And whatever or wherever a thing exists, real or unreal,
Whatever power all that possesses in Yourself
Oh you who are the soul of everything
How can I extol You more than this?
yayā tvayā jagat-srastā
jagat-pātāatti yo jagat,
so’pi nidrā-vasam nitah
kas tvām stotum iha isvarah.
By You, even He who creates,
sustains and devours the world is put to sleep
Who is here capable of extolling You?
Visnu sarira-grahanam
aham isāna eva ca,
kāritās te yato ‘tas tvām
kah stotum saktimān bhavet.
Who is capable of praising You,
Who have made all of us Vishnu, myself and Shiva
Take our embodied forms?
sā tvam ittham prabhāvaih
svair udārair devi samstutã,
mohayaetau dur-ādharsāv
asurau Madhu-Kaitabhau.
Oh Devi, being lauded thus,
Bewitch these two unassailable asuras
Madhu and Kaitabha with Your superior powers
prabodham ca jagat-svāmi
niyatãm a-cyuto laghu.
Let Vishnu, the master of the world
Be quickly awakened from sleep
bodhas ca kriyatām asya
hantum etau mahā-asurau.
And rouse up his nature to slay
These two great asuras
CHAPTER 5   Verses 10-40
Devā ucuh:
namo Devyai mahā-devyai
sivāyai sa-tatam namah,
namah Prakrtyai bhadrāyai
niyatāh pranatāh sma tām.
Salutations to the Divine Mother
who is ever auspicious. 
Salutations to Her who is the primordial cause and the sustaining power
With deference, we make obeisance to Her.
raudrāyai namo nityāyai
Gauryai dhātryai namo namah,
jyotsnāyai ca indu-rūpinyai
sukhāyai sa-tatam namah
Salutations to Her who is terrible, to Her who is eternal.
Salutation to Gauri, the supporter (of the universe).
Salutation always to Her who is of the form of the moon and moon-light
And happiness itself.
kalyānai pranata vrddhyai
siddhyai kurmo namo namah,
nairrtyai bhubhrtam laksmyai
Sarvanyai te namo namah
We bow to Her who is welfare
Salutations to Her who is prosperity and success.
Salutation to the consort of Shiva who is Herself the good fortune
As well as misfortune of kings.
Durgāyai durga-pārāyai
sārāyai sarva-kārinyai,
khyātyai tathā eva krshnāyai
dhūmrāyai sa-tatam namah
Salutation always to Durga who takes one across in difficulties,
Who is essence, who is the author of everything;
Who is knowledge of discrimination;
And who is blue-black and also smoke like in complexion.
namas thasyai namo namah,
namo jagat-pratisthāyai
Devyai krtyai namo namah
We prostrate before Her
Who is at once most gentle and most terrible;
Salutation to Her who is the supporter of the world.
Salutation to the Devi who is of the form of volition.
yā devi sarva-bhūtesu
Vishnu-māyeti sabditā,
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namō namah
Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings and is called Vishnumaya.
yā devi sarva-bhūtesu
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namo namah
Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings as awareness.
yā devi sarva-bhūtesu
Buddhi-rupena samsthithā
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namō namah
Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings in the form of intellect.
yā devi sarva-bhūtesu
Nidrā-rupena samsthithā
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namō namah
Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings in the form of sleep.
yā devi sarva-bhūtesu
Kshudhā-rupena samsthithā
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namō namah
Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings in the form of hunger.
yā devi sarva-bhūtesu
Chhāyā-rupena samsthithā
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namō namah
Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings in the form of shadow.
yā devi sarva-bhūtesu
Sakti-rupena samsthithā
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namō namah
Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings in the form of vigour.
yā devi sarva-bhūtesu
Trishna-rupena samsthithā
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namō namah
Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings in the form of craving.
yā devi sarva-bhūtesu
Kshanti-rupena samsthithā
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namō namah
Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings in the form of forbearance.
yā devi sarva-bhūtesu
Jāti-rupena samsthithā
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namō namah
Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings in the form of class.
yā devi sarva-bhūtesu
Lajjā-rupena samsthithā
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namō namah
Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings in the form of shyness.
yā devi sarva-bhūtesu
Sānti-rupena samsthithā
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namō namah
Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings in the form of peace.
yā devi sarva-bhūtesu
Sraddhā-rupena samsthithā
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namō namah
Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings in the form of faith.
yā devi sarva-bhūtesu
Kānti-rupena samsthithā
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namō namah
Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings in the form of brilliance.
yā devi sarva-bhūtesu
Laksmi-rupena samsthithā
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namō namah
Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings in the form of affluence.
yā devi sarva-bhūtesu
Vritti-rupena samsthithā
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namō namah
Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings in the form of thought-movement.
yā devi sarva-bhūtesu
Smriti-rupena samsthithā
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namō namah
Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings in the form of memory.
yā devi sarva-bhūtesu
Dayā-rupena samsthithā
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namō namah
Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings in the form of compassion.
yā devi sarva-bhūtesu
Tushti-rupena samsthithā
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namō namah
Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings in the form of contentment.

yā devi sarva-bhūtesu
Matru-rupena samsthithā
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namō namah
Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings in the form of mother.
yā devi sarva-bhūtesu
Bhrānti-rupena samsthithā
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namō namah
Salutation again and again to the Devi
Who abides in all beings in the form of delusion.
(Truth and error are both obverse and reverse forms of the goddess).
indriyanam adhishtatree
bhūtānām chākhulesu yā
bhūtesu satatam tasyai
Vyāptijai devyai namō namah
Salutation again and again to the all-pervading Devi
Who constantly presides over the senses of all beings and (governs) all the elements.
Chiti-rūpena yā kritsnam
Etad-vyāpya sthitā jagat
namas thasyai namas thasyai
namas thasyai namō namah
Salutations again and again to Her
Who pervading the entire world abides in the form of consciousness.
sthuthā suraih pūrvam abheeshta-samsrayāt
tathā surendrena dinesu sevitā,
Karōthu sā nah subha-hetur isvari
subhāni bhadrāny-abhihantu chāpadah
Invoked of yore by the devas for the sake of their desired object,
And adored by the lord of the devas every day,
May she, the Ishvari, the source of all good,
Accomplish for us all auspicious things and put an end to our calamities!
yā sampratam ca ud:dbhatadaitya-tāpitair
asmābhir isā ca surair namasyate
yā ca smrtā tat-ksanam eva hanti nah
sarva-āpado bhakti vinamra-mūrtibhih
And who is now again, reverenced by us, devas,
Tormented by arrogant asuras and
Who, called to mind by us obeisant with devotion,
Destroys, this very moment, all our calamities.
yadaksharam pari bhrastam
mātrā hinancha yadbhavet
purnam bhavatu tat sarvam
tat prasādān maheshwari
If there be any missing letter or meter, let this be completed,
O Supreme Goddess (Maheswari), by thy grace.
Sarva-svarupe sarvaishe
Bhaebhyas trahi no devi
Durge devi namo’stu te
Oh Queen of all, You who exist in the form of all,
And possess every might
Save us from error oh Devi
Salutation be to You, Devi Durga
Om bhavatāpa pranāshinyai
ānandaghana murtaye
Jnānabhakti pradāinyai
mātastubhyam namonamah.
Mother, I bow to Thee again and again,
destroyer of worldly sufferings, 
embodiment of bliss,
dispenser of wisdom and  devotion.