Wealth Tips

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Prayer Never Fails!

1. On arising from bed in the mornings:
Karaagre Vasathe Lakshmee: Kara Madhye Saraswathi |
Karamoole Thu Govindha: Prabhaathe Karadarsanam ||
On tip of the palm resides  Godess Lakshmi; In the centre resides Godess Saraswathi;
At the bottom of the palm Lord Mahavishnu resides. It is therefore desirable to look at one's palm.

2. Before taking bath:
Gange Cha Yamunevaicha Godhaavari Saraswathi |
Narmadhe Sindhu kaveri Jalesmin Sannidhim Kuru ||
May the sacred waters of                                                                                                              rivers Ganga, Yamuna, Godhavari, Saraswathi, Narmadha, Sindhu and kaveri flow and mix in my bath water to purify my body and soul!
3. After bath- Surya Nmaskar:
Rasmimantham Samudhyanthsm Devasura namaskrutham |
Poojayaswa Viwaswantham Bhaskaram Bhuvaneswaram ||
The source of all Rays who descended from the oceans and who is worshipped by all angels and demons is the owner of this universe. Worship the source of all sunshine! 
4. Prayer for Lighting the lamp or Dheepa:
Dheepam Karothu Kalyanam Aarogyam Dhanasampatha: |
Sathru Buddhi Vinaayaasa Dheepa Jyothi: Namosthuthe ||
Light destroys darkness. Let the light give wealth, health and auspicious events. Prayer to the light!
5. Gurusthuthi( Prayer to the Guru)
Gururbramha Gururvishnu Gururdevo Maheswara: |
Guru: Saakshaath Param Brahma Thasmai Gurave Nama: ||
Guru is Brahma for all creativity. Guru is the protector Vishnu and destroyer Maheswara. Pray to the all encompassing Guru!
Gurave Sarva Lokaanaam Bhishaje Bhavaroginaam |
Nidhaye Sarva Vidhyaanaam Sri Dhakshinamoorthaye Nama: ||
Bow to the Guru to the universe who is redeemer of the soul and who is supreme source of all fine arts and knowledge!
6. Guru Namashkar:
Poojyaya Raghavendraya Sathya Dharma Rathaayacha |
Bhajatham Kalpavrukshaaya Namathaam Kaamadhenave ||
Bow to the worshipful Guru who takes you through the path of Dharma and trut. Namashkar to Guru Raghavendra who gives you temporal blessings like the celestial Kamadhenu!
7. Before partaking food:
Aham vaiswanaro Bhoothvaa Praneenaam Dehamaasritha: |
Praanaapaan Samayuktha: Pachamyannam Chathurvidham ||
Sri Krishna Said: I sustain all living with nourishment and oxygen to soul and body.
Harirdhatha Harirbhoktha         harirannam Prajapathi: \
Harirvipra: Sareerasthu Bhunkthe Bhojayathe Hari: ||
Lord Hari gives evrything food.He is food , He is personification of all Vedas. Body just intakes food and help grow, but Lord Hari ordainsyou to eat!

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