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Monday, September 10, 2012

Hayagriva mantras

Hayagriva is considered an avatar of Lord Vishnu.He is worshipped as the God of wisdom and knowledge, with a human body and a horse's head, seated on a white lotus. Symbolically, he represents the triumph of pure knowledge, guided by the hand of God, over the demonic forces of passion and darkness. Traditionally, Hayagriva is worshipped for all learning ventures, and there is a famous temple dedicated to this deity in Chettipunyam village close to Chennai.


Here are some important mantras for Hayagriva. Diligent worship of Hayagriva can yield miraculous results.

Transcendental mantrof Lord Hayagriva from Hayagriva upanishad


Om srim hlaum om namo bhagavate hayagrivaya

vishnave mahyam medham prajnam prayaccha svaha 


Obeisances to Lord Hayagriva, who is Vishnu. O Lord Hayagriva, please give me intelligence and wisdom. This is the 29 lettered Hayagriva mantra. Here, Om and Srim are two syllables. Hlaum is one syllables. Om namo bhagavate is seven syllables. Hayagrivaya is five syllables. Vishnave is three syllables.Mahyam medham prajnam is six syllables. Prayaccha svaha is five syllables. 

pustakadhyam catur-bhujam
hayagrivam upasmahe

We worship Lord Hayagriva, who is splendid like the moon, and who holds a
conchshell, disc, maha-mudra, and book in His four arms.

Om srim hrim aim aim aim klim klim sauh sauhhrim om namo bhagavate hayagrivaya mahyam medham prajnam prayacchasvaha 

Meaning : Obeisances to Lord Hayagriva. O Lord Hayagriva, please give me
intelligence and wisdom. This is the 28 lettered mantra of Hayagriva. Here, Om and Srim are two syllables. Hlaum is one syllables. Aim aim aim is three syllables. Klim klim is two syllables. Sauh sauh is two syllables. Hrim is one syllable. Om namo bhagavate is seven syllables. Hayagrivaya is five syllables. Mahyam medham prajnam is six syllables. Prayaccha svaha is five syllables.  

Hloum Amrutham Kuru Swaha

This mantra when chanted repeatedly gives one mastery over words, wealth and the eight occult powers

Hloum (hsoum) Sakala Samrajya Sidhim Kuru Kuru Swaha    

This mantra tells us the secret of the great Vedic sayings like “Pragnanam Anandam Brahma (Brahmam is the realized happiness)”, “Tat Tvam Asi (You are it)”, “Ayam Atma Brahma (My soul is Brahma)” and “Aham Brahmasmi (I am Brahmam)”. The same letter “Lhoum” and “hsoum” are the same vowels though different and give worldly pleasures and salvation respectively. 

OM shrIM hlauM OM namo bhagavate hayagrIvAya rava rava rakSha rakSha huM phaT svAhA ||

namo .advidyA-bhakShakAya grasa grasa vapa vapa sphuTa sphuTa grasa hayagrIvAya svAhA | mahAbalAya sarva-j~nAna-netre svAhA |

om vanishwaraya vidmahe hayagrivaya dheemahetanno hamsat prachodayat

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