Wealth Tips

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tackle unemployment

You may be stuck in a bad environ or be aware that you might be on sacking list. To change your career or to achieve success in securing employment pray to Lord Hanuman. Visit a Hanuman temple and offer butter to the lord on tuesday and saturday.

To overcome joblessness and to secure new employment. Please chant this mantra:1. AsADhya sADhaka SwAmin asADhyam thava kim vadha|
RAma dhUtha, krupA sinDhO math kAryam sADhaya PrabhO||

(Hey) Swaamin, Rama dhuuthaa, ocean of mercy, one who accomplishes impossible things, Tell (me) what is impossible for you, Oh Lord, enable me to accomplish my work!

2. Om Hreem shreem Kleem Mam Sarva Karya Sadhay Sadhay Swahaa

3. Saadhana Method: if one can obtain the Kaarya Siddhi Yantra then this 8 day ritual will help.

For gaining a good job place a Kaarya Siddhi Yantra on a copper plate in the night of Wednesday. Offer flowers on it. Light a lamp and chant just one round of this Mantra with a coral rosary (मूंगा माला).

Om Shreem Mam Kaarya Siddhi Kari Kari Hreem Phat

Repeat the ritual each night for 8 days, thus concluding the Sadhana on next Wednesday. The Sadhak must leave the rosary in the roots of Peepal tree. The Yantra he should carry to interviews and examinations, till he lands a job. After that it should be dropped in a river or a pond.

4. To overcome anxiety before and facing interview
Sloka to chant before interview in Sanskrit
Sloka to chant before interview in Tamil

1 comment:

  1. Respected sir,

    I want to do vartali sadhana and varahi sadhana under your guidance what I need to do. First I want to do vartali sadhana. My email is v.dave78@rediffmail.com
