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Friday, November 5, 2010

Ganesha Atharvashirsha

I heard it last year at the Sai Baba's Athirudram fest(Sunnyvale). I liked it and this version is the closest to what I heard.

Shri Ganpati Atharvashirsha was written by Atharva Rishi, who is said to have had Ganpati Darshan. It is a late Upanishad, which celebrates Ganesha as the embodiment of the entire Brahman, or the universe. As it is originally in Sanskrit, and most people reading my blog can’t read Sanskrit, I shall be typing the words in English.

|| Shri Ganeshaya Namaha ||
Om bhadramkarne bishnunayama devaha
Bhadram pashyemak-shyabhirya jatrah
Sthirai rangai stuvasa stanumbihi
Vyashema devahitam yadayuh
Svastina indro vruddhashravah
Svastina pusha vishvavedaha
Svastinastakshyo arishta nemih
Svastino brihaspatir-dadhatu
Om shanti shanti shantihi |

Atha Ganesh Atharvashirsham vyakhya syamaha ||

Om Namste Ganpataye
Tvameva Pratyaksham Tatvamasi
Tvamev Kevalam Kartasi
Tvamev Kevalam Dhartasi
Tvamev Kevlam Hartasi
Tvamev Sarvam Khalvidam Bramhasi
Tvam Sakshadatmasi Nityam ||1||

Hritam Vachmi
Satyam Vachmi || 2 ||

Ava tvam Mam
Ava Vaktaram
Ava Shrotaram
Ava Dataram
Ava Dhataram
Avanuchanamava Shishyam
Ava Paschatat
Ava Purastat
Avo Uttaratat
Ava Dakshinatat
Ava Chordhvatat
Ava Dharatat
Sarvatomam Pahi Pahi Samantat || 3 ||

Tvam Vangmayastvam Chinmaya
Tvam Anandmayastvam Bramhamaya
Tvam Sachitananda Dvitiyosi
Tvam Pratyaksham Bramhasi
Tvam Jynanmayo Vijyanamayosi || 4 ||

Sarvam Jagadidam Tatvo Jayate
Sarvam Jagadidam Tatvastishtati
Sarvam Jagadidam Tvay Layameshyati
Sarvam Jagadidam Tvayi Pratyeti
Tvam Bhumi Rapo Nalo Nilo Nabha
Tvam Chatvarim Vak Padani || 5 ||

Tvam Gunatraya Atitaha
Tvam Dehatraya Atitaha
Tvam Kalatraya Atitaha
Tvam Muladharastitiyosi Nityam
Tvam Shaktitrayaat akaha
Tvam Yogino Dhayayanti Nityam
Tvam Bramhastvan, Vishnustvam,
Rudrastvam, Indrastvam Agnistvam,
Vayustvam, Suryastvam, Chandramastvam,
Bramhabhur Bhuvasvorom || 6 ||

Ganadim Purvamuccharaya Varnadim Tadanantaram
Anusvaaara Parataraha
Ardhendu Lasitam
Taaaren Hruddam
Etatva Manusva Rupam
Gakarah Purva Rupam
Akaro Madhyama Rupam
Anusvaras Chantya Rupam
Binduruttara Rupam
Nadah Sandhanam
Saishitaa Sandihi
Saisha Ganeshvidhya
Ganak Rishi;
Nichrud Gayatri chandah
Ganpatir devata
Om ‘GANG’ Ganpataye Namah || 7 ||

Ek Dantaya Vid Mahe
Vakratundaya Dhimahi
Tanno Danti Prachodayat || 8 ||

Ek Dantam Chatur Hastam
Pashmam Kusha Dharinam
Radanch Vardam Hastair
Bhibhraanum mushaka-dhvajam
Raktam Lambodaram Shoorpakarnakam
Rakta Vasasamam
Rakta Gandhanu Liptangam
Rakta Pushpaihi supujitam
Bhaktanu Kampinam Devam
Jagat Kaaarana machutam
Avir Bhutamcha Shrustyado,
Prakrute Purushatparam
Evam Dhayayati Yo Nityam,
Sa Yogi Yoginam Varah || 9 ||

Namo Vrat Pataye, Namo Ganapataye
Namah Pramatha patye,
Namste astulambodaraya Ekdantaaya
Vighna Nashine Shiv Sutaya
Shri Varad Murtiye Namah || 10 ||

Let us hear only good with our ears,
See only good with our eyes,
And with the help of these senses,
Spend our whole life serving you;
Lord Indra is our protector,
Lord Pusha (Sun) is our benefactor,
May Garuda be auspicious for us,
And may Devguru grant us success,
Let there be peace everywhere

Now I shall utter the Ganesh Atharvashirshya

Ganesha, the Lord of the Devaganas,
You are the first form of the Bramhatatva to arise
You have alone created this entire universe
You alone can sustain this universe
You alone can destroy this universe
You are the all conquering supreme Lord
Indeed, you are the “ATMA” || 1 ||

I take oath upon the three worlds,
That I speak only the Truth

Protect me
Protect the one who describes you
Protect all who hear about you
Protect the giver of this knowledge
Protect the one who receives it
Protect me & my disciples
Protect me from the obstacles
From the east
From the west,
From the north
From the south
Protect me from above & below
Protect me from all directions

You are the constituent of speech
You are Joy & Immortal Consciousness
You are Truth, Mind & Bliss, incomparable
You are none other than divinity
You are knowledge of all types || 4 ||

All the Universes manifest due to you
All the Universes are sustained by you
All the Universes get destroyed in you
All the Universes gets merged into you
You are Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Sky
You are the 4 types of speech & the root source of sound || 5 ||

You are beyond the 3 gunas;
Beyond the 3 bodies;
Beyond the 3 times
Beyond the 3 states of being
You always reside in the “Muladhara” Chakra
You are the trinity of Power
Sages always Meditate for you
You are the Creator, Sustainer, Destroyer,
The Lord of the 3 worlds, Fire, Air, Sun,
Moon, You are all inclusive & all Pervading

Atharva Rishi then gives us the sacred
Ganesh Vidya. The Letter “GA” is to be enunciated, followed by “NA”. This one word Mantra is then given power by saying “OM”. Knowledge in those days was transmitted orally, so to make it simpler, Atharva Rishi presents a simpler form : “GA” is the first part, “Na” is the middle one and “UM” with a ‘bindu’ is at the end. It is said that this Mantra if pronounced properly,
has the power of revealing Lord Ganesh. The sage who receives the Mantra is Ganaka & the Master is “NICHRUD GAYATRI”. The deity is Ganapati. Om ‘GANG’ Ganapati. ” My salutation to you.”

Pray to the single Tusked Lord,
with a bent Trunk
May He grant knowledge to us || 8 ||

The Lord with 1 tusk and 4 hands ;
Upper right hand carrying a binding rope;
Upper left hand holding goad;
Lower left one carrying a broken tusk
The lower right one to bless us,
The mouse on his banner is also his vehicle.
He is blood red in colour; Pot-Bellied;
He has elephant ears & wears red robes
He is smeared with red sandalwood
And is decorated with red flowers
He is eternally blessing his devotees
And has been existing before the Cosmos
He is beyond “PRAKRITI” & “PURUSHA”
One who prays to him, is a Supreme Yogi

Salutations to you Lord of all Deities, Ganas & all beings, the Pot-Bellied one with one tusk who destroys all obstacles, son of Shiva, the divine Lord who grants boons, we bow to you, taking your name ||10||

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