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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ganesha Ashtothra Satham

[Hundred and Eight Names of Ganesha]
Translated by P. R. Ramachander

108 has a special significance. Most Slokas have at least 108 verses starting with Om and ending with Namaha! 108 names are used for each Hindu gods while worshipping. Each name represents a quality or attribute of the God.

This is a rare Ashtotharam where Yama the God of death tells his assistants not to go near the person who chants these 108 names. I took it from a dilapidated Malayalam text but I found the text among the special purpose slokas in indusladies.com.]

Yama Uvacha:
Yama Said:

Ganesa, Herambha, Gajananethi,
Mahodhara, swanubhava Prakashin,
Varishta, Sidhi Priya budhi nadha,
Vadathamevam thyajatha Prabheetha.

Hey messengers, leave out all those,
And do not even go near those who chant,
Ganesa, Beloved son of Parvathi, killer of Gajasura,
Big bellied lord, he who shines on his own,
He who is to be respected,
The lord of intelligence and dear to Sidhi,

Aneka Vighnanthaka, Vakra Thunda,
Samgnavasimscha, chathurbhujethi,
Kaveesa, devathanthaka, Nasa Karin,
Vadathamevam thyajatha Prabheetha.

Hey messengers, leave out all those,
And do not even go near those who chant,
He who removes lots of obstacles,
He who has a broken tusk,
He who lives in symbols,
He who has four hands,
The Lord of all poets,
And the killer of enemies of Devas.

Mahesa soono, Gaja daithya shathro,
Varenya soono, Vikata, Trinethra,
Paresa, Pruthvi dhara, Ekadantha,
Vadathamevam thyajatha Prabheetha.

Hey messengers, leave out all those,
And do not even go near those who chant,
Son of Lord Shiva, He who is cruel to his enemies,
He who has three eyes, God of the divine,
He who carries the world, Lord with one tusk,

Pramodha, modhethi naranthakare,
Shadoormihanthar, gaja karna dunde,
Dwandwari sindho, Sthira bhava Karin,
Vadathamevam thyajatha Prabheetha.

Hey messengers, leave out all those,
And do not even go near those who chant,
Lord of Joy, He who is delightful,
He who is enemy of killers of men,
Killer of thirst, hunger, old age, sorrow, birth and death.
Dundi with elephant ears, he who destroys sea of miseries,
And the Lord who creates constant devotion.

Vinayaka, Jnana vighatha shathro,
Parasrathmaja, Vishnu Puthra,
Anaadhi poojya, Aaghooka, Sarva poojya,
Vadanthamevam thyajatha Prabheetha.

Hey messengers, leave out all those,
And do not even go near those who chant,
Vinayaka, who destroys,
Road blocks on the way to Jnana,
Son of sage Parasara, son of Lord Vishnu,
Lord who has been worshipped from ancient times,
And the worshipful Lord who rides on a mouse.

Vidhyejya lambodara dhoomra varne,
Myura palethi mayura vahin,
Surasura sevitha pada padma,
Vadanthamevam thyajatha Prabheetha.

Hey messengers, leave out all those,
And do not even go near those who chant,
Lord who should be worshipped by learned,
God with a broad paunch, one with white colour,
God who brings up Peacock and who rides peacock,
And God whose feet is worshipped by Asuras and Devas.

Varin mahaaghudwaja soorpa karna,
Shiaja simastha anatha vaha,
Dithouja vigneswara sesha nabhe,
Vadanthamevam thyajatha Prabheetha.

Hey messengers, leave out all those,
And do not even go near those who chant,
Giver of boons, The one with a mouse flag,
God with winnow like ears,
Son of Lord Shiva, God who rides on lion,
Lord who caries a snake, Son of Dithi (Parvathi),
God of obstacles and the one who ties his belly with a snake,

Anorananeeyo mahatho maheeyo,
raverja yogesaja, jyeshta raja,
Nidheesa manthresacha sesha puthra,
Vadanthamevam thyajatha Prabheetha.

Hey messengers, leave out all those,
And do not even go near those who chant
Lord who is in the atoms of atom,
Great one, greater than the greatest,
Lord born out of Sun, Son of Lord Shiva,
Elder king, Lord of all wealth,
Lord of all chants and son of Adhisesha.

Varapradha radhidhescha soono,
Parathpara Jnadha, thara vakthra,
Guhagraja Brahmapa parswa puthra,
Vadanthamevam thyajatha Prabheetha.

Hey messengers, leave out all those,
And do not even go near those who chant,
Lord who blesses, Son of Adhithi,
Divine of divines, One who grants wisdom,
God with a star neck, elder brother of Guha,
Brahma, one with a jointed head to the trunk,

Sindhoscha shathro parasu prapaane,
Sameesa pushpa Priya, vigna haarin,
Dhoorvabharair architha deva deva,
Vadanthamevam thyajatha Prabheetha.

Hey messengers, leave out all those,
And do not even go near those who chant,
Enemy of Sindhu, wielder of axe,
Lord who likes the flower of Sami,
Remover of obstacles and
God of Gods who is worshipped by Dhoorva Grass,

Dhiya pradhathascha sami priyethi,
Su sidhi dhathascha sushanthi datha,
Ameyamayamitha vikramethi,
Vadanthamevam thyajatha Prabheetha.

Hey messengers, leave out all those,
And do not even go near those who chant,
Giver of intelligence, lover of sages,
Giver of good occult powers,
Giver of great peace,
Impenetrable illusion and Lord of great valour.

Dwidha chathurthi Priya, kasyappajja,
Dhana pradha, jnana pradha, Prakasa,
Chinthamani chitha vihara Karin,
Vadanthamevam thyajatha Prabheetha.

Hey messengers, leave out all those,
And do not even go near those who chant,
Lover of Chaturthi day and wife Chathurthi,
Lord born out of sage Kasyapa,
Giver of wealth, the one who illuminates path of knowledge,
Granter of all wishes and One who roams in the mind.

Yamasya shathro, abhimana shathro,
Vidherjahanthaka, kapilasya soono,
Videha swananda ayoga yoga,
Vadanthamevam thyajatha Prabheetha.

Hey messengers, leave out all those,
And do not even go near those who chant,
Enemy of death, enemy of pride,
Lord born of the body less state,
Son of Lord Shiva, lord without body,
Lord who enjoys within himself,
And God who was disjointed.

Ganasya shathro, kamalasys shathro,
Samastha bhavajnascha phala chandra,
Anadhi madhyantha maya pracharin,
Vadanthamevam thyajatha Prabheetha.

Hey messengers, leave out all those,
And do not even go near those who chant,
Enemy of bad Ganas, enemy of lotus flower (Moon),
Lord who knows the actions of all organs,
God with moon on forehead,
And lord who does not have beginning, middle or end.

Vibho, jagadroopa, Ganesa bhooman,
Pushte pathe Aaghuga gathedhi bhodha,
Karthascha pathaschathu samharethi,
Vadanthamevam thyajatha Prabheetha.

Hey messengers, leave out all those,
And do not even go near those who chant
Lord who has the form of the universe,
Ganesa, greatest on earth,
Lord of growth, rider of the mouse,
Teacher of wisdom, creator,
Lord who looks after and also destroys.

Idhamashtothara satham naamnaam thasya padanthi ye,
Srunwanthi vaa theshu beetha, kuru dhwam maa pravesanam.

Please be afraid of those great ones,
Who reads or hears these 108 names,
And never ever go near them.

Bhukthi mukthi pradhamDunder vardhana dhanya pravardhanam,
Brahma bhooya karam stotram japantham nithya madharath.

Please do not go near those who daily chant the prayer,
Capable of giving freedom and salvation of Ganesa,
Capable of giving growth of riches and grains,
And capable of bringing the presence of Lord Brahma.

Yathra kathra Ganesaya china yukthani vai bhata,
Dhaamaani thathra sambheetha, kurudhwam maa pravesanam.

Soldiers Wherever you see houses with the sign of Ganesa,
You should become afraid there and never enter that place.

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