Wealth Tips

Wealth Tips

Pineapple  Salt

1. Pineapple:
In fresh fruit form or just figurines or painting, pineapple kept as display on the table enhances money luck. Fresh fruit is the most desired but the other two are also will do.

Salt is mother nature's bountiful gift to mankind. It is cheap even when global economy goes through upheavals. Buy this commodity first thing after paycheck. It is considered lucky to begin a New Year buying salt ahead of other items. Never borrow salt.
Bowl of Salt Burn Remedy
Note: Use salt the least in your eating plate

Crystal Chandeliers:
They bring a lot of wealth. Light when split up as spectrum of rays throws up a spectrum of opportunities.
For best results keep the chandeliers clean and free from dust.

Water Fountain:
Do you wish for material prosperity? Energy boost?. 
A fountain with the soothting sound of waterfall enhances both. On a working desk, an important place in your home, a water fountain attracts money luck and  boosts personal energy levels. Running water helps move positive energy flow through the space. Take care not to direct the water flow towards the exit.

Wall Clocks:
Make sure your wall clocks run and shows correct time. If a wall clock is not functioning properly replace bateery or mend it. Clocks which do not run brings your financials to a grinding halt. Slow clocks signify that you are behind time and adjust for the right time.
Hanging a few small bells on the main door handle brings fortune. Symbolically the sound of bells ringing announces the coming of opportunities and prosperity. Choose small bells made of metal, ceramic or crystal. Tying together with red string or thread activates the good luck and sets in motion the symbolic value.
Chinese Coins:
Probably the most popular financial symbols are Chinese coins with square holes in the center. These coins have tremendous power specially when they are energized with red thread. There are several ways of using this fortune symbol. Place these coins near the cash box as they attract wealth. You may stick them on ledger/invoice books. Try fix them on to your computer if that is your tool of trade.

Wind Chimes:
Hang wind chimes above or near main door of your premises or office. They scare away unlucky energy. If you are beset with a seies of bad luck, try using these symbol of positive energy near the main door/ make sure they move and chime. Stagnant chimes are bad luck so take care to hang chimes where wind blows.

Dripping Taps:
Ensure that the water taps in your bath and kitchen do not drip. A dripping tap signifies wastage and produces negative energy and leakage of wealth
Wall Pictures:
Avoid pictures of turbulent waters and storms as they could bring chaos and disharmony, Hang pictures of a gentle brook as this will emanate peaceful energy than a scene of huge crashing waves. Pictures of calm waters bring serenity and peace. A picture of turbulent waters can bring turmoil
                                            Serene : Early Morning Sunrise at Phu Ruae, Loei, Thailand
A picrure ofanorange tree full of oranges brings in wealth. A bowl of oranges in season would be good to display. Orange is the colour of molten gold and signifies creation of wealth luck.
Mountain Picture:
Try putting a picture of a mountain in a prominent place in your  office cabin or living room as it would bring more stability to your career or business. A picture of mountain without a water feature is good at the back of your working desk

                               Mountain Images : Publishers of mountain prints and pictures of The Scottish Highlands, The Lake District, Snowdonia Everest, K2, and The Himalayas                         
Place bamboo in the garden or in the house in a container, Bamboo is the most auspicious plant signifying growth. If placed within the house, put three shoots in water in a crystal vase with a red ribbon tied around the base.
Fruit bearing Trees:
In your garden choose to plant fruit bearing trees. Weed out trees that are barren. Trees which are not yielding fruits by nature, most of your endeavour too may not be fruitful.
Walls on Apartments:
In apartments it is not possible to have windows in all the walls. Do not let the entire wall be without windows overlooking a view. Hang bright and inviting pictures on blank walls to ensure that there are many financial opportunities.
                                          Combination and Picture Windows   
Di not keep empty vases. boxes. planters or containers next to the main door. The fresh energy entering through the main door will get sucked into these objects. Only a small amount of positive energy will remaining in circulation.

Bathooms in houses:
Do not make bath, toilet or restrooms outsize in relation to other rooms, Just build the right size. For instance if the toilet. The size can be interpreted to your attitude towards money. For instance of the bathroom is one ofthe largest in your home, too much money is going to be wasted.